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Where the Stone Dropped is about the communities on South Gare, and was made in 2019 by Stockton based film production company iandgfilms, with extra work being done in 2020 to include the effects of lockdown. South Gare is a man-made peninsula, built in the nineteenth century to accommodate heavy industry. The industry is now gone, leaving a spectacular landscape extending four kilometres into the cold North Sea. Its history includes stories of shipwrecks, German spies and military exercises. Currently it is a haven for migratory birds, a must-visit location for kite-surfers and much more. Where the Stone Dropped includes interviews from people who use the Gare; fisherman, sailors, birdwatchers, scuba divers, windsurfers, photographers, those people who visit just to take in the incredible scenery; and offers a timely example for other areas all around the world which are moving on from heavy industry.

The screening of Where the Stone Dropped will be followed by a Q&A with the films director, Ian Paine and other special guests.