Book Here.

No pressure play-about with words for beginners and recovering perfectionists. Tickets are available to book here.

You can also book to attend an online workshop here.

Writing can be difficult. How do you find the time and inspiration in a busy and demanding world? What if you are new to it all? Still traumatised by classrooms of WWII poetry and iambic pentameters? OR you’re experienced and just sitting around waiting for the inspired thunderbolt which just doesn’t seem to come. Fear not, pulp poetry is the answer for you. From a poet who writes all the time and has yet to produce a pamphlet or collection.

Join Caroline for 2 hours of writing about the mundane, uninspiring – the everyday of all our realities. There’s no pressure to produce anything except a soft, generally shapeless, mass of words. Describe the teapot or a piece of fluff on the carpet. List all the items in a kitchen drawer. Unsequence your morning routine. Who knows what will happen! But we’ll have a laugh along the way and feel better about our writing. This workshop is the antidote to literary pressure and unrealistic expectations – PULP POETRY.

About your tutor

Caroline Walling is an active member of the TWP sisterhood, often performing with them at festivals and leading workshops. She has been TWP poet-in-residence at DRAKE the Bookshop, and is taking her unique brand of welcoming poetry to libraries across Teesside at this year’s Crossing the Tees book festival too!