Around 145,000 in the UK are currently diagnosed with Parkinson’s. It is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world.

It has over 40 possible symptoms, from pain and stiffness to problems with sleep and mental health.

Twice a month, people with Parkinson’s and their partners, friends, and families meet together at ARC for friendship and support. (If you would like to know more, ring Mary on 07572 163087.)

April 11th,  now  celebrated as World Parkinson’s Day,  was  the birthday  of James Parkinson, the London doctor who first wrote about the condition in 1817. His essay,  ‘The Shaking Palsy’,  identified the illness for the first time.

This year you may see certain places  lit up in blue to mark World Parkinson’s Day.  And we are celebrating too by telling the world many things about life with Parkinson’s through poems and limericks like these.

We hope you enjoy them!