'Attending Silver classes has changed my life'

We’re well into the swing of the autumn season and our Silver programme continues to provide uplifting, sociable, friendly and welcoming classes for anyone over 50.

As usual, there is plenty to be getting involved with from dancing to creative crafts. You can take part in Tai Chi, Ballet Pilates or perhaps give the Silver Ukulele classes or Silver Singing classes a go. 

As well as providing both mental and physical stimulation, the classes have led to some remarkable and life changing things for some of the Silver attendees. 

One member has even said the Silver classes have ‘changed his life’, so much so that he has been inspired to write a poem about his experience.

Kevin Stephenson from Redcar attends the Silver Ukulele and Silver Singers classes every week, and he recently surprised staff with the poem which he penned to express what the classes mean to him. 

Kevin said: “I’ve had such a positive experience from coming to the Silver classes and that’s what inspired me to write the poem. It talks about how they make me feel, how they have given me confidence to try new things and it’s about the people I’ve met. I’ve been writing poems for a while now and usually write them about the local area, being a proud Teesside lad.

“Coming to ARC for the Silver classes has truly changed my life. The friendships I’ve formed is probably the biggest thing for me. I have always been a fairly quiet yet creative person, and wanted to give the classes a go to form some new friendships but also to keep the creative juices going. I couldn’t believe how friendly the other attendees were when I started, it’s brilliant. I would recommend the classes to anyone over 50, we really do have a great time, and you never know what it can lead to.”

Other classes include Silver Shapers, Silver Creative Arts and Silver Baller Pilates.

We are also running Dancercise and Swing Dance classes for anyone over the age of 18 as well as a Charleston for Beginners class which is running as part of the Try it ARC programme.

We are always looking for new people to come along to the autumn classes, so if you are over 50 and interested in attending any of the Silver classes, which are priced at around £3 per session, then call the Box Office on 01642 525199 or visit the Silver programme, or the Workshops for Adults pages for more details.