Enter the Professionals

Young people aged 6 – 19 can enjoy activities including Urban Kaos Junior Dance Camp or Dance Intense, A Week with Creative Future or Factory, and a workshop from Indiana Jones and the Extra Chair creator, Simon Mole, Getting away from it all: Raps, Poems & Stories.

The ever popular Urban Kaos will be returning with their dance camp favourite, Junior Dance Camp from Monday 5 August, aimed at 6-11 year-olds, followed a week later by a more exploratory five days with Dance Intense, which will look into different dance styles and is aimed at 12+.

In the absence of the popular weekly sessions, drama groups Creative Factory and Creative Future, will be condensing into one week each. From Monday 12 August, A Week with Creative Factory, aimed at ages 13 – 16, will be led by Director and Performer Ree Collins, who has a wealth in experience in working with young theatre groups as well as performing at festivals up and down the UK.

OddManOut director Scott Young will be returning for A Week with Creative Future, where young people aged 9 – 12 will have the opportunity for theatrical fun, games, and script devising from Monday 19 August.

Talented artist, Simon Mole will be offering his expertise in a one day workshop on Friday 16 August, Getting away from it all: Raps, Poems & Stories, which will use various themes to spark off new ideas amongst the group. Aimed at those aged 14+, the creator of the ingenious performance, Indiana Jones and The Extra Chair, will draw on his wealth of experience in working with young people, sharing the skills that have made him a renowned name on the spoken word circuit.

• Tickets for any of these activities can be book online here.

Image courtesy of Spurios Nonsense Art Photography.