Join us on a Yeti Hunt!

Tiny Yetis have taken over Stockton! Ahead of the upcoming family show Horace and the Yeti, we need some little helpers to track down all five Yetis that are scattered around the town centre, answer their questions and spell out the magic word – a prize awaits if you figure it out!

To get involved, call in to ARC and collect a map from the Box Office to show you the spots you need to search, before heading off on an exciting treasure hunt with a difference. Once you’ve completed the hunt, hand the map in at ARC and you’ll receive a free teddy bear ice cream! If the pesky yetis are harder to find than you thought, or you get stuck along the way, just give the Box Office a call on 01642 525199. 

Horace and the Yeti will be performed on Fri 19 Feb at 11am and then 2.30pm, and on Sat 20 Feb at 11.30am and 2.30pm, tickets cost £6 per person or £20 for a family ticket (4 people). There will be a relaxed performance in association with Daisy Chain at the 11am show on Fri 19 Feb.