Lab drama at ARC

The Lab is an exciting piece of physical theatre created in collaboration between Little Cog and Full Circle Drama Group. The audience is invited to enter Compound 49, a top secret laboratory and research centre dedicated to detecting alien life forms. A team of dedicated scientists have been given a strange device of unknown origin. With a strong soundtrack, events unfold through the performers skill in mask work, physical theatre and live feed news reporting. However not everything is what it seems, the planet is at risk, who can save it?

The Lab has been supported by ARC, Stockton Borough Council and Arts Council England and devised by Full Circle Theatre Group and Little Cog.

Little Cog is a dynamic disabled-led Disability Arts organisation, founded in 2011 by Vici Wreford-Sinnott, an award winning professional disabled theatre director, who has worked in theatre and Disability Arts for 21 years. Little Cog is based in the Tees Valley and specialises in the production of professional Disability Art in a number of artforms including theatre, digital film and photography, visual art, temporary installations and living performance interventions. The company is committed to curiosity, physicality and the disability aesthetic, producing fresh, inspiring work which engages, cheers, provokes and creates change. We have enough mischief to create a cultural landscape without limitations.

Full Circle Theatre Group is based at ARC and was set up in 2008 by two of the groups’ members with the support of Stockton Borough Council Adult Services, and Development Officers Caroline Rankin and Alan Pearson, who have now also been joined by Marty Maenami. The group is committed to promoting and valuing people with learning disabilities, their creativity and their voices. The group creates new and original work, with scripting and devising being carried out by group members.  ARC, Stockton have also supported the group in their artistic endeavours and have previously  successfully gained funding from Northern Rock to enable the group to work with a performing arts practitioner.

• Little Cog presents The Lab at ARC on Thur 22 May at 1.30 & 7pm. Tickets are price F: £8.50 C: £6.50  and can be purchased here.