May Staff Picks

Take a look at what events ARC staff are most excited for in May:

Daniel Mitchelson
Programme Coordinator

Some time ago, Teesside-based artist Mike Edwards sent me an early draft of Damn Seagulls, and from its very first page – I knew it was going to be amongst my favourite shows
It’s a show about Mike, his brother Steven and Hats. About the adventures, entertainment, hats and secrets they shared as children, and how they came to know each other as adults. It’s about what Mike thought, felt, and realised when Steven died, and the hats worn, the hats lost, and the hats worn out.
A bit of daft is how Mike describes it – but I’ll describe it like this; Damn Seagulls is a very, very funny, poignant show that will make you think differently about the world, your relationships, and Captain Hook. Perhaps the biggest complement I can pay the show, is that I’m bring my brother to ARC to see it, and share it with me. We’ve both grown now, and whilst we were once very close, right now feels as though we’ve drifted. This feels the perfect way to reconnect and to get to know him as an adult a bit more.

Chloe Lawrence
Programmes Manager

I am most excited for the current exhibition, Dymaxion 3, for lots of reasons:
• I love the work especially how the very small portraits compliment the huge work at the other end of the gallery
• I love the storytelling in the pieces especially the one about Jonathan and his husband Lee and all the ways there bound together (with black and white pipes that go from one partner to the others heart)
• Jonathan was my A level Art Teacher 15 years ago and he was just the kindest man