Road closure update – Stockton Cycling Festival

All information on road closures, car parking and changes to bus and coach services can be found over at – You can also contact the dedicated cycling relations team by either calling: 01642 524700 or emailing: [email protected]

If you are heading to Stockton Town Centre on Sunday, a free bike park will be available in our building if you’d like to leave your bicycle somewhere safe while you enjoy the event in the town centre.

Come along and soak up the atmosphere, and enjoy one of our special meal deals.

• Any pizza or pasta and a pint for £6.50
• Any cake and coffee for £2.95

We also have two fantastic cycle themed shows, in association with Stockton Cycling Festival this weekend. Family show JoJo and Billie’s Tour de France takes place at 2.30pm on Saturday and drama Ventoux takes place Friday at 7.30pm, which tells the story of Lance Armstrong and Marco Pantani and their drug-fuelled race in 2000 for the Tour de France – the greatest cycling had ever seen.