Tall Story inventions

My Brother the Robot follows a young girl called Bobby, who lives with her inventor dad filled with technology. Bobbie and her dad have everything they need – until one day, Bobbie announces that she’s lonely and she wishes she had a little brother.

So Bobbie’s dad locks himself away in his lab and works day and night to create a special present for Bobbie…a robot brother. Bobbie loves playing with her new little brother, and tells him all about how the world works. But when Bobbie gets into danger one day, will her robot brother save her?

This brand new production, based on an original story by Toby Mitchell, forms the third of Tall Stories’ educational, science-inspired series – following How the Giraffe got its Neck and Twinkle Twonkle. The show looks at the future of technology, artificial intelligence and the science of robotics in an entertaining and enlightening way, full of storytelling, original music and lots of laughs, for everyone aged 4 and up.

Created in association with the Adaptive Systems Research Group at the University of Hertfordshire, the tour has been funded by Arts Council England.

• Tall Stories presents My Brother the Robot at ARC on Sat 22 Jun at 11.30am & 2.30pm. Tickets are priced F: £6 Family (4 people): £20 and can be purchased here.