Thatcherite analysis with drama double bill

This is something that ARC Associate artist Claire Murphy-Morgan will be examining of at the venue itself on Thursday 5 June: and audiences are invited to join in a unique dissection of Thatchersim: from free market, to the shrinking of the state, to there being no such thing as society.  Margaret’s Anatomy is a unique live performance where the audience will need to wear sensible shoes….

Says Claire:

I grew up with Margaret Thatcher and the policies and principles that shaped subsequent governments since hers. I want to examine how much I have become a living, breathing embodiment of what Thatcher stood for, and how much we are all still shaped by Thatcherite ideals.

The show forms a double-bill with Recalibrate; written and performed by Claire Murphy-Morgan and Jocelyn Spence (aka Would-be Nuns and Cowboys).

Two girls, two different childhoods: one has grown up in California under Reagan, the other on Tyneside under Thatcher. This is a journey of ‘special relationship’: the similarities underneath the differences between two childhoods in two countries.  How far does this relationship entwine and how far are we prepared to go?  Sit down in class and learn about duty, disillusionment and deliverance? Well, that’s up to you.

• Would-Be Nuns and Cowboys presents Double Bill: Recalibrate & Margaret’s Anatomy at ARC on Thu 5 Jun at 7pm. Tickets are price F: £8.50 C: £6.50 and can be purchased here.