Venues North launches its first COVID-19 status report

ARC in Stockton, a glass fronted building lit purple from inside

Today Venues North launches its first COVID-19 status report, designed to help artists and companies better understand where venues are with their current activity and reopening plans.

Annabel Turpin, Chair of Venues North said:

“This report is an attempt to pull together some of the key pieces of information that artists and companies want to know, to try and help them navigate some of the uncertainties we are all facing.

We know it doesn’t include all the things artists want to know, but we hope it is a useful starting point. We intend to update the report on a regular basis over the next few months, with the next one due in early April. As it develops, we will be including more information about programming cycles which will hopefully become clearer over the next few weeks.

Thanks to all our members for taking the time to share their information.”

You can download the report here.

Venues North is a network of venues from across the North of England who are committed to supporting artists to create new work. Our aim is to work together as venues to support new and emerging artists from the North to get their work more widely seen regionally, nationally and internationally.

By new work, we mean new theatre and performance, usually devised work or new writing, or work that explores the boundaries of theatrical form.

Venues North is not a closed network or an exclusive group of venues. It is open to any venue in the North that shares our commitment to supporting artists making new work. A list of current members can be found here.