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Go on a Story Hunt around Stockton with Daniel Bye

As you may already know, while ARC’s building remains closed due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, we’re concentrating on arts activity you can get involved with wherever you are.

This July, Daniel Bye (with collaborator Boff Whalley) will be bringing his new show, These Hills Are Ours, to ARC’s stage and we hope that you’ll be able to join us in person. In the meantime, we wanted to share the opportunity to revisit an older performance of Dan’s.

Story Hunt, originally seen as part of the Festival of the North East in June 2013, is a treasure hunt-meets-walking-tour of Stockton, telling stories that were collected through research, interviews, and a day in a tent on the market.

Take a walk and see the moments that have defined Stockton and those that are yet to come. Stroll through sights that can no longer be seen. Marvel at monuments that are yet to be raised. Look! That man diving in the river in 1786 is changing the world for us all, now!

History was made here, and it will be made again. You are, we are, all part of that history. And this means that we all, every one of us, can change it.

The Story Hunt audio journey is available on SoundCloud until 31st May. To accompany the trip, you can download a map of the route that you may find helpful if you’re walking as you’re listening.