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Pay What You Decide Info

Age: 14+

BSL Logo This performance will be BSL interpreted.

*This event can be attended in person or watched online. (The online performance will be accessed via our dedicated streaming service. Click here to log in with your usual ARC account details (if you’ve forgotten your log in details, the email address will be the one that normally receives emails from us, and your password can easily be reset from the log in page).

Please note: Some of the themes explored in the performances during We The Queers contain themes that some may find triggering. A full warning will be given prior to the performance to support our audience. 

Join Bordello Collective as they curate a collage of cabaret made up of fabulous artists from the world of drag, queer cabaret and performance arts.

We The Queers is an alt drag and cabaret platform curated by the Bordello Collective, with recent editions of the show presented live and streamed for ARC. Live editions have also been staged at The Auxiliary and Disgraceland in Middlesbrough and during lockdown We The Queers hosted seven social media livestream editions entitled ‘At Home With…’.

Bordello Collective are a Queer arts group based in Teesside. Masters of making work that responds to space, place and people, the collective’s artists each work across a range of diverse mediums. Platforming LGBT+ and Queer expression in the North their work is cross media, performative, interactive and immersive. They produce work through collaborative processes curating and presenting it in a range of unlikely places and spaces for a wide spectrum of people.

Appearing at this edition of We The Queers will be:

Pretentious Dross – @drossqueen_official

Portrait shot of artist Pretentious Dross

DROSS is Liverpool’s Art-House Witch & EAT ME’s (@eatmeclub) High Duchess of Beige.

We have kidnapped, indoctrinated and radicalised her with over 10000 hours of Karl Marx & Jameela Jamil podcasts and packed out her sigmoid colon with Mentos and Coca Cola. At a Hen Party, precisely three minutes into her lip-sync rendition of Kesha’s “Timber” she will explode, showering a room of cis-het women with her still warm innards and triggering a chain of events that will lead to the inevitable rise of Skynet.

She’s gonna need to your clothes, your boots AND your motorcycle.

Quiches Lorraine – @quicheslorraine_

Portrait shot of artist Quiches Lorraine

Live from Studio 2a, it’s Quiches Lorraine! Part time daytime TV presenter and full time icon, this savoury snack will blow you away with her lip-sync skills and her special brand of silliness.

SKANKII KANDL – @skankii_kandl

Portrait shot of artist Skankii Kandl

You can call her SKANK for short. Based in Middlesbrough and strutting their stuff on stages across the North East this diva burst on to the scene with knockout performances at L!pstick, Middlesbrough Town Hall and Sapphires.

This versatile queen is dancing and twirling for you one minute and pulling the comedy punches the next. For SKANKII drag is about having fun and being entertained. Come down if you want to smell some of this KANDL.

MONARCHY – @thisis_monarchy

Portrait shot of artist Monarchy inside a telephone box

This incredible queen has been cutting the heads off the competition. Whether it’s making space for queens of all kinds through their Boro based drag cabaret night L!pstick or killing it on stages across the UK! High energy and killer looks MONARCHY truly knows how to turn up the party!

We The Queers is promoted in association with Curious Arts.