Global Majority Artist Takeover

Silhouette illustration of Radikal, from the side, holding a microphone up

From Friday 21 – Sunday 23 January ARC will be closed to the public as part of UPRISING (IRL/URL)

Run by one of ARC’s Artists of Change Symoné, this weekend long takeover gives artists of the Global Majority* from across the country the chance to network and take part in informal performances, workshops, and discussions.

Friday and Saturday will focus on allowing the artists to cultivate their artistic practices, try their hands at new skills, network, or just relax in a stimulating and safe environment.

You can keep up to date with the takeover as it’s happening via ARC’s social media.


*Global Majority is a collective term that refers to those who make-up 80% of the world’s population. By ‘global majority’ we refer to those of the following backgrounds; African or Caribbean heritage, South Asian heritage, East Asian heritage, West Asian heritage, Central Asian heritage, South East Asian heritage, East Asian and South East Asian heritage, Middle East and North African heritage, and those who have experienced racism. By the term ‘those who have experience racism’, we are referring to individuals who have experience discrimination based on the colour of their skin, race and/or their culture.