We dedicate time, space and resource to supporting artists at ARC because we want artists to make work that is relevant for our audiences. We want to make sure that our programme is representative of our communities, and that our audiences hear stories that resonate with them. We look to support artists whose work contributes to our artistic policy.

Co-design is a key principle of our creative programme. This means we work proactively with artists and communities to develop work that is relevant to and resonates with our local communities. This doesn’t necessarily mean work that is about, or made specifically for Stockton and the Tees Valley, but we present work that our local communities can connect to, and that helps us understand the world we live in. Work for our communities, and communities like ours.

Ideas may come from artists or communities but in many cases the work involves both. Our core programme incorporates artist-led, community-led and co-created work.

By communities, we mean communities of place, interest, identity, need and action, and we also think of artists we work with as a ‘community’.

There are a number of different ways we support artists:

Find out more:

If you are an artist and want to connect with us, please join ARCADE, our artists mailing list.
Sign up to ARCADE.

Our Producer is happy to offer advice and guidance to any ARCADE member, either via a one-to-one session or as part of our monthly ARCADE Surgeries. To arrange a time, please email [email protected]

You can also see current opportunities for artists on our opportunities page.